Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Today was the culminating celebration for Winds of Time. We had a great time listening to the speakers from all civilizations and parading around the school in our Pharroh finest!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Egyptian Engineering!

We are wrapping up the  end the year and celebrate the Winds of Time.  We have learned lots about the Ancient Civilization of Ancient Egypt.  Today we made all the knowledge connect by building a model of ancient Egypt.   Students were put on teams and given a pile of supplies (paper, straws, clothes pins, pipe cleaners and tape) to build something for the town.  We put the final products together and Egypt came to life!

Students had to apply what they know about shapes to make things 3 dimensional.  They had to apply what they know about Egypt to lay out the town.  For example, crops are near the Nile and the house to make growing and getting food easy.  This was a great culmination to our unit!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Authors, authors, everywhere!

Today was a celebration of writers!  It was great to hear the kids excitement as they looked at all their work. 

Micah said "look at my handwriting, ooh it's gotten better"

Audrey said "I didn't use capital there"

Tonio "loved everything!"

It is great to be reflective learners!  Today was a great time to see growth and look with critical eyes. I hope you enjoyed their work as much as I did. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Teacher for the Day

I may be retiring!  Our class was in great hands with Miss. Whilden as acting Teacher for the Day.   She did a great job teaching us about mummies and planning a few small groups.  We ended the day with a little wrap the mummy game.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Giving Heart!

As part of our personal finance unit, we learned that Charitable Giving is giving to people less fottunat. Every class voted on a charity to donate money to. Our class picked the Red Cross to support the flood victims. 

Before students went to their Fun Friday activity, they had a choice to donate to a class bag. It was great to see kids with a giving heart. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Today we worked a little in the garden. MacKenzie and Lexi watered first thing this morning. They realized they needed lots of water because it has been hot. 

After lunch we pulled up 2 turnips and found a few sugar snap peas. Not enough to eat, but it was great seeing the parts of a plant in real life. "We made it happen from a seed," said Katherine!  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Renting is...

We continued to run our mock economy today by renting!  Students were allowed to rent pens or pencils. They had to choose if they "wanted" to spend the money for the fee and then leave their shoe as collateral. 

This was a great real life lesson!

Friday, May 6, 2016

We LOVE moms!

Today for community circle we shared something special or funny about our moms... I am sharing it with everyone, so they know how loved they are. (Side note, is Addie's Senior Presentation she was asked to share what the most valuable piece of advice I had ever given... In front of 200 people the lovely announcer says "my mom says spanx are your best friend")

Her are a few...
Mackenzie - "my mom eats  Oreos every-night before bed"

Grant - "she always says that she is going to hit a homer over the fence and then swings and misses"

Cash " She wakes me up with silly songs"

Beckett "she buys me new skins (for a game)"

Miles  "she is always nice!"

Zoe "she won an award and is really funny"

Samuel "she tickles me"

George " she says nice things to me"

Heidi "she parked in the wrong sopt one time and thought it was funny"

Micah " lost her glasses and when were looking for them, they were on her head"

Audrey " parked in the grandma spot"

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Building it LIFE SIZE!

Check out our animal habitats built to scale...if you are at school, take a second to peek at the finished products!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

RESEARCH... the way to the answers.

We have learned all about research and now it's time to put our knowledge into action. We are working in centers to use different sources to find answers. We are using iPads to learn from Pebble Go, books, the computer to surf the web, the Houston Zoo App, and finally putting our zoo measurements into action to recreate  our animals to be life size. 

Did you know Kiddle?  Kiddle is a great search engine that filters kid friendly sights!  Your student knows how to access it. 

Check back to see our habitats filled with all the animals.