Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Creating is the Best Form of Understanding...

To go along with our learning about Ancient Egypt, we created plays based on a topic about Ancient Egypt. Students were put in groups of 3 and given a topic. They did a little research and then wrote a play about their topic. Today we made backdrops and costumes. It was great seeing the groups present their plays. I was so impressed with the information that each group "taught" in their play. Here are the first of them, more to come tomorrow.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


We have been working on researching an animal and then writing about what we learned. The final piece is to make a Digital Book. Here is one of the first ones done... Way to go Connally! This was created with the Book Creator App. Connally will now be a trainer to help others as they work to create their books. It is all about collaboration and team work!

Good Morning Mr. Turner!

Today we had a quest teacher for the day! Mr. Turner did an outstanding job teaching small groups, leading us to specials, monitoring during recess, filing papers, teaching a lesson about Mummies, was a great sport as we played game "wrap the mummy!" and so much more! Come back anytime!

Friday, May 12, 2017

We love MOM!

Today we spent community circle talking about why our mom is special...I thought you would love to see what they think! Andrew - "she makes the best cookies" Daniel- "We have birthdays close together" Claire - "She is a substitute" Connally - "She makes lots of cookies!" Chris - "she is a nurse" Max - "She loves to say "boot, scoot, and boogie" Elliott - "she has a big family that I get to go see" Maddie - "we cook together" Gianni - "the is soooo funny" Ella - "she helps at HCE" Olivia M - "I get to cook with her" Charlie - "she is always at the bus stop" Grant - "she makes the best brownies" Rathi - "she is different" Luke - "she doesn't watch TV" Reggie - "she is a weird dancer" Wilcox - "she makes the best green beans" Stella - "knows how to train wolfs" Olivia Z. - "My mom is funny Logan - "a great cook" Jordan - "she has a birthday and Mother's day close together so she gets 2 presents" Max P. - " she can cook with out looking at the paper" Kirby was not here today - but she probably would say her mom is doing a great job getting her to feel better Here is a little book that Connally wrote for her mom using Book Creator!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Here is a little poem to help us remember our coins and their value. Be sure to pay attention to their fingers... they tell us the value of the coins!