Friday, April 27, 2018

Which came first...the CHICKEN or the EGG?

I know you agree, these are the cutest chickens and roosters you every have seen. I am proud to play mother hen to them during the day!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Where did the pumpkins go?

Today was the day we have been planning for since Halloween. To celebrate Earth Day we dug up the pumpkin that was packed with snack trash on Halloween. All kids predicted that the pumpkin would have rotted, but what we found was a little surprise. 

Digging deep in the soil made rich from the pumpkin we found all the trash from snack time on Halloween.  Kids screamed when my Diet Coke can crunched with the first shovel of dirt. Everyone was able to see what they ate that day. 

This was a great way to teach the importance of recycling!  Be sure to ask about the pumpkin. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pay the MAN!

The tax man comes to all!  In our mock economy we have been earning money every week and paying rent on Fridays. This week we talked a bout taxes and how everyone pays. Blake said “if we earn more we pay more”. “”

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Using 10 to Subtract

Kids are becoming automatic in their thinking by solving problems using the place value to add and subtract. Here is another example of the thinking we are using in class.

Rip ROARING good time!

We had a wonderful time at the zoo and really started off our research unit in a strong way! Students have all picked an animal and used the trip to the zoo to start learning about it more! Joanna was lucky because she got to ask questions to an expert and Isaac learned that his original animal is endangered. He decided to pick another one. Be sure to follow back and see what great things we produce!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


See it is all worth it! This was a way that we extended our learning. Way to go Gabriel - this is the reason we work so many steps for a simple problem. It is becoming automatic!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Would you rather?

We have been working on writing Question and Answer Essays the last week. Watch this great example that includes all the parts. Ask your student to watch with you and identify the claim, the support (or the why) and the wrap up. You will love to see what they know.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Teaching our OWN!

Yesterday and today we used an App to produce our own form of Brain pop to teach others about what we know about the Frog Life Cycle. Students had some academic language to use and then put their presentations together. Check out a few of these awesome lessons! You can see your students by login into their seesaw account.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

CHOICE to control VOICE!

Today I told everyone they had 12 minutes to move their desk to a place they could work best. The deal was “if you like where you are sitting you have to show me by working hard and controlling your voice.”  

It was great to see the choices and room design. This is a great talking point at home. Ask “Where are you sitting?” “Are you still there or did you get moved?”  

This puts all the power for the student to use self control!  The room looks a little crazy, but they made it!“”

Monday, April 2, 2018

Life Cycle of a FROG!

Flipping lessons is a great way to keep the home and school connected on what is going on in class. I am going to be filming a few of my lessons in Science to help some students who don't get as much time in the room during Science. Here is our first lesson. This is another great way to see and talk about what we are doing in class.