Thursday, May 31, 2018

Oh a CAMPING we will go

Today was Canp Read A lot!  It might have been named. Build the best fort day. It was a great way to celebrate all our hard work. 


Today was a celebration of kids doing their thing!  So fun to watch them act with great courage. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Today we set up shop and sold our goods. We spent Tuesday making goods to sell. Today we set up and allowed all classes to go shopping. Students had to make change and add up all the sales.  It was a great way to bring our economics unit to a close. 

The funny thing, kids asked me if we could yell “free stuff” to get shoppers in our room. I think they have a future in advertising!  

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Learning in ACTION

This week we have been learning about Ancient Egypt...using this unit, we put together lots of things that we learned through the year to write, create, and produce Egyptian Fairy Tale Puppet Shows! Students had to know what special story elements a fairy tale has, what a setting it, and how to write dialog. After putting it all together, we created puppets, drew the settings, used oral language to speak and finally perform. They turned out AMAZING! Needless to say, I am so very proud of their work. This is a teacher heart dream! More to come tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Welcome Miss Turner

Today we had guest teachers in all of first grade. It was so fun to see how they did things that were our class routines. The kids were so welcoming to Miss Turner!  She taught about mummies and lead several small groups. We ended the day with a mummy relay...and wrapped the teachers for the day!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Meet the Author's

Today was truly a celebration of all things from the year! It might just be my favorite day. I am so proud of the hard work that the kids have done all year and today it all showed. I even had a student say, "I can't even read what I did in this book, and look what I can write now." Sorry if I didn't get to talk to everyone, it was a rushed lunch!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

WILD ANIMALS... we are in the KNOW!

Here are a few examples of research presented with Google Slides and Draw and Tell... we are becoming experts about animals!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wild for RESEARCH!

Check out Dalton's research turned into a digital presentation! More to come, as we keep working this week.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

it's that TIME!

We have been learning how to read a clock. The TEK tells us to read to the hour and 1/2 hour. Some students are even working on reading it to the minute. We started by looking at the clock as a time line that keeps repeating. From there, we moved on using what we knew and applied it in different ways. I love that these girls taught us through the Cool aid Corner. Check out a lot of the work from the week.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Future is BRIGHT!

Job presentations started today. I feel confident that we are in good hands in the future. 

Joanna wants to be an artist. 

Isaac and Rilee want to be a teacher. 

Catalina wants to be a vet. 

Lucy wants to be a make-up artist. 

Dalton wants to be a You Tuber. 

More to come tomorrow!

MUD Pies anyone!

Today we did everything short of making MUD pie. We investigated all types of soil to observe the different properties. It was good CLEAN fun. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Counting Quarters

Counting by 1's, 5's, and 10's is easy...25's is a little different. Check out this way we are practicing to adding up the quarters. Way to go girls!