Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I am so honored to be a member of the First Cohort of the Vanguard team.  The Vanguard team was formed at the end of last school year and consist of 18 teachers in the district (Pre K - 12).  Vanguard member's classroom are meant to be model classrooms for good 21st century teaching with an emphasis on using technology to deliver instruction and show learning.  I was so excited to attend the ISTE Conference in Denver and learned so much.

As part of my learning, we will be using our iPad cameras in lots of new ways to show our learning.  Today was the first day that put them to use.  We went on a number walk looking for numbers in the world.  Later this week will be using the app Poplet to showcase our findings.  Be sure to ask your student about their iPad team and where they might have found a number.

Monday, August 22, 2016

We're Going on a BEAR hunt...

and we're not scared!

Today was a great first day!  We went on a  bear hunt looking all around the campus.

Here are a few thoughts from teh day

"My favorite part was the bear hunt!" Kirby

"I love being at school" Reggie

"I love having a desk" Stella

"The bear hunt was great" Olivia M.

"I love everything" Max P.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ready, set go...

I have been busy working to make the classroom ready for kids.  New this year (and I am so excited) water bottle holders for each chair!  It is so important to stay hydrated and now they can keep their water at their chair without any scare of spilling ...

I hope you had a great summer.  I enjoyed a lot of down time, fun in the water at the beach and the lake, and a special trip to Denver to learn lots of new things!  I can't wait to get the year rolling!

See you Friday for Meet the Teacher!