Thursday, June 4, 2015

a last few thoughts...

As I stand in our classroom all packed up, I am reflecting on the year.  Yesterday we used butcher paper to create a mural of our favorite things of first grade.  As I was finishing the last few things, I used the paper to cover shelfs...tears came to my eyes as I looked at the drawings.  It amazes me the things that they drew about.

This has been an amazing year full of authentic learning.  Thank you for your support and dedication to our class.  It has been an amazing year!

and now is over for a little break.  I will enjoy a few down days but definitely be ready to be back in the fall!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Busy Buzz of the Last Few Days!

Even thought the room is looking ready for summer, we have been learning in different ways (and having some fun)!

We camped out under the florescent lights of the classroom.  We built tents for reading time, used our knowledge of shadows to make flashlight animals on the wide open ceiling!  We had a special campfire community circle, and ended the day with smores!

A camp out would not be complete without a little was time to tape the administrators to the pole.  It could not have been a better day weather wise (although I wasn't the one wearing yards and yards of duck tape!).

And we had my first ever Family Fair - which was so fun, I forgot to take pictures!

Today we channeled our inner engineer and built toothpick towers!

Tomorrow, I will read my all time favorite children's story as we learn the lesson from the book.  Be sure to ask about it!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Winds Of Time - It All Comes Together

It was a super fun day celebrating all of our learning about Ancient Egypt!  Thank you to all the parents that made the 3 weeks a wonderful addition to First Grade.