Monday, November 28, 2016

Making 10

We have been working on building number concept and a true foundation of 10. Today we started to put all this together. To help parents understand what we are doing, I have made the following video to share the strategies that we are working on in class. We are starting to learn with numbers that we can manage, and once we get fluid we will increase the value of the numbers. I tell the kids it's like learning to a flip on a balance beam - we work with the bean just off the floor first and then go to the tall beam! It was a strong start to the process!

Live from the Cool Aid Corner

Today was a special day in room number 6! We got the Cool Aid corner up and running...

Thank you to our first anchors Logan and Jordan who taught about the right way to use an (a word on our spelling list this week) and a. Be sure to check back for more special reports!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Building a Landform...the messy way!

To finish up our study of Landforms, we divided in groups and built different landforms. I gave the kids lots of stuff and let them go to work. They had to apply what we knew, to build and place the landform in the right spot on our map. Each student wrote about their landform's features. This was a great hands on way to show what we know. I LOVE messy learning

I am learning how to use a new video editing tool. Thanks for humoring me with my first try!


Just a few of the things we are thankful for... Andrew - "My Family" Daniel - "my brother because he is my best friend" Jordan - "God" Ella - "My family" Stella - "God, Earth, and my 2 dead dogs" Max K. "My baby brother and sister" Grant "Everything God has given us" Charlie "food" Reggie "Mrs. Johnson, Nanaho, Max P and Grant" Mrs. J "I am thankful that 23 kids come into school every day ready to learn"

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sharing our work!

It was a great sight to look out the window and see Kinder kids all spread out working to find the "Math Around Them". Mrs Dunavin brought her class to use our Where are the math boards. It was a great to share our learning. We will be making new boards next week. This is real learning using a the Problem Based Learning.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Editing with CLAPPERS!

Do you know what your clappers are?  We use our clappers to edit our writing.  We practice this everyday in morning message as a class, and last week we were able to use it independently to edit our own topic books.

This is a great way to make sure your writing has what it needs!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Magnet Motion....

Today we did a large magnet lab. We used magnets to explore by picking up paperclips between objects. We Discover what is magnetic and non magnetic. We even put our iPads to use by making a sort of things that are magnetic and non magnetic. Here are few of the products we created! From Chris From Luke From Olivia Z. From Reggie From Ellliott

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Where is the Math?

We are so excited to get our Where is the Math Boards up and running!  Students in our class will maintain the math boards by working in the iPad groups to create problems from things that around us in the world.  The questions are targeted to other 1st graders and kinder students.  We have recorded the questions and answers with a QR code to help young readers still participate!

We have sent the instructions to the other classes through this cute video that Connally and Kirby helped put together.  Each student helped create a problem that is now located around the school.  We hope to change these out every few weeks!

If you are at school, be sure to check out their hard work and learning.